Home » Is It Time to Pivot?

Not sure if your job is coming back? Have you been laid off, or your place of business has closed?

Millions will answer Yes to one of these questions; is it time for you to consider a hard pivot?

Most people think of apprentices as being between nineteen and twenty two years old- and most are. But, not all.

If you are an adult with a high school diploma- or higher education- are mathematically inclined, and physically fit, you may want to consider becoming an electrical apprentice. IEC Chesapeake has seen adults in their forties pivot into a new career by becoming apprentices.

Electricians fulfill demanding positions. There’s a great deal of problem solving, math and technology, and some physical labor demands. If that criteria does not worry you- read on.

We have seen adult students who have been working in military or electrical settings, but who had never studied to become Journeymen. Their service ended, a plant closed, or a business up ended. They had to be flexible.

No time in our recent history has cried out more for flexibility than now- and the coming months. If you are taking this moment in time to re-evaluate your work choices, and not waiting for a job similar to the one you may have just lost, consider apprenticeship.

Apprentices “earn while they learn”; you must be employed as an apprentice for both meeting state “on the job hours” and practical application of skills. We have many contractor members in our chapter who are employers of apprentices; we also accept employees of non-member contractors, and students who are unemployed and looking for an employer.

Our core mission is training.

I can offer several great places to explore what apprenticeship IS and how it WORKS.

 To explore what electricians do and what you may want to consider, see https://www.bls.gov/ooh/construction-and-extraction/electricians.htm#tab-4.

For an unbiased look at apprenticeship offerings in the United States, policies, and resources, see https://www.dol.gov/apprenticeship/.

IEC Chesapeake/ IECC has a very detailed website where we lay out all four years of study, comparisons of apprenticeship costs to a four year college, our brick and mortar classes where blended learning is applied, and our online apprenticeship program for people who may work for a contractor doing night work, or individual who lives too far from a class offering. See https://www.iecchesapeake.com/education/electrical-apprenticeship-programs/.

Ready to pivot? Feeling flexible?

Visit us and explore a future career as an electrician.

Jenny Boone
Business Development, IEC Chesapeake/IECC