Some associations don’t want Associate Partners; or Associate Members. Some associations have told me they only want businesses directly inside their scope- ancillary businesses need not apply.
You don’t want it, I’ll take it. I will take Associate Partners all day long.
Our Associate Partners at IEC Chesapeake are a valued and integral part of our chapter life. Partners bring products, skills, and factories to the table that otherwise would not engage with chapters.
Our manufacturer and rep agency Associates are valuable as Third-Party Speakers to our 700+ apprentices at IEC Chesapeake. Teaching product skills and having hands on experiences are vital to our apprentices. Exposure for the manufacturer is also vital and is a privilege of membership. Our Associate Partners understand this. This is a part of why they invest in the chapter.
Our legal, accounting, and banking Associates also participate in speaking to students. We refer to them as Life Skill Third-Party Speakers. At nineteen and twenty, many students do not fully grasp what a DUI can do to their job opportunities, why they need a will, and exactly how to handle and track the money they are making. These specialized Associates DO understand these things. This is a part of why they invest in the chapter.
Associates want to meet and network with our Contractor Members. Many of them invest in our annual brewery, golfing, and Graduation events. Without their support some of these events would not be possible. Their investment earns them event recognition and the ability to put their brands out front, and it should.
The dictionary refers to an investment as “an act of devoting time, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.”
Associate Partners are able to parse out that the time with students (all future electricians), the time on a committee once per quarter, and involvement in at least two, out of four, chapter events a year, are membership privileges that net product and brand promotion as well as the attention (and purchasing power) of our Contractor Members.
…and to sweeten the pot, I will promote the living daylights out of you. Sponsoring an event? I will make you the Show Pony. Have an innovative product? Send it to me and I will feature under “We Have an AP for That” blog here on Linked In.
If you run into an association who doesn’t want you- come see me.
If you’re an association that doesn’t value Associate Partners- send them my way.
IEC Chesapeake sees the value and the worthwhile results. Partner up with IECC.
Jenny Boone
Business Development, Independent Electrical Contractors Chesapeake/IECC