Do it! Make the turn! PIVOT!
Since 2013 IECC has offered a fully accredited, four year, Online Electrical Training Program. We are not responding to a pandemic- we already existed as a RESOURCE.
If you have concerns about in person schooling this Fall- we’ve got your back. If the electrical shop you work for performs night work- we’ve got you covered. If you have care giving responsibilities and need the flexibility of studying for your Journeyman’s certification online- we’ve got that circuit!
You can actively apply now for our Fall 2020 school year; if you start online in the Fall and feel comfortable returning to one of our eleven brick and mortar school location options in 2021, no problem!
If you have recently finished school, or perhaps lost your job during the lock downs- it may be time to PIVOT. Take a look at our electrical career circuits and see if this slipper fits you Cinderfella… visit us here
You have questions …we have answers…
Grab your future by the reins and make the turn.
#missioneducation #gogetthatelectricalcareer
Jenny Boone
Business Development, IEC Chesapeake/IECC